Saturday, March 28, 2015

3/28/2015: CD3 Ultrasound on CD2

I had my CD3 ultrasound this morning, which is technically CD2 because the office isn't open on Sundays.

The tech said everything looks as it's supposed to, but I have a lot of antral follicles present. 30 on one side and 25 on the other. From my research (thanks Dr. Google!), that high number of antral follicles is typically and indication of PCOS. I plan to talk more about this with Dr. K but in all honesty I'm just hoping this means I'll have more than one mature follicle this month when we trigger.

I start the Letrozole tomorrow and will continue it through CD7.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/26/2015: CD1...tomorrow

Looks like we are back at it already! I got my period late tonight so that means tomorrow is CD1. Now I am just waiting for a call back from Dr. K's to schedule the CD3 ultrasound and bloodwork.

Monday, March 23, 2015

3/23/2015: HPT #2 and Beta Results

Took another hpt this morning as soon as I got up. It was even more blank than yesterday's which confirms that what we saw was an indent or evaporation line.

I had my beta blood test this morning. Luckily she was able to hit the first vein she tried. Afterward, I decided to do some shopping and treat myself to a pedicure. I worked all weekend so I took the day off from work.

Later this afternoon, I got the call from Dr. K's office: negative. Even though I had a feeling, I am still pretty bummed. I guess I just hoped it would happen on the first try for us.

I will start all over on CD1 with the medications. My period should show in a week. If it doesn't, they want me to call them.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

3/22/2015: HPT Results

I caved in to the temptation to take an at-home pregnancy test. I've been feeling lousy lately. I'm not sure if it's the progesterone, PMS, or early pregnancy symptoms.

I took a test this afternoon after holding my urine for well over 4 hours. Negative. Although, Jess and I could swear we saw the faintest of lines. I'm pretty sure it was just an evaporation line or indent.

Tomorrow is the beta. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3/18/2015: Second Progesterone Test Results

Today's test showed an even lower level of progesterone, 3.3, than Monday's. Dr. K says my levels are borderline so she started me on progesterone suppositories. She wants to move ahead as normal with the beta pregnancy test on Monday, 3/23 so I guess I'm not out of the running for this cycle.

Funny store: when J went to pick up the samples of progesterone for me I had her ask for information on how to use them and what I could expect. She proceeds to ask if they should be taken with food to which Dr. K says "Well, since they're inserted vaginally I wouldn't recommend it." I laughed so hard. J is embarrassed, but it was an honest misunderstanding since I never told her they were suppositories.

Honestly, I do not have high hopes. I'm actually a bit frustrated. A lot of the symptoms of low progesterone are things I've been trying to tell my PCP, OBGYN, and Dr. K about, but it seems it's easier to blame my weight for everything than to try to find a real solution.

Fingers crossed that these terrible suppositories help us.

Monday, March 16, 2015

3/16/2015: Progesterone Test Results

I just got the call from Dr. K's office. My level is at 3.7 which is too low to show ovulation has taken place. Because I had an Ovidrel trigger and an ultrasound to confirm the collapse of the follicle, they want to retest Wednesday morning.

I'm really frustrated by this. Now I am stressing, perhaps unnecessarily so, out about wasting this cycle. I asked why they wanted to test a week after Ovidrel and not a week after the ultrasound that presumably showed potential ovulation. Basically, I had a feeling today was too damn early. I am incensed that we may have just wasted a vial of sperm that cost in excess of $700. If I didn't ovulate, there is no way I could be pregnant.

I have been working hard to not get my hopes up, but today just showed that I really have been getting hopeful, even if it's unintentional. Ugh. This sucks.

I hope Wednesday's numbers look a lot better. It's just so close to 4...

3/16/2015: Progesterone Blood Test

I just had my progesterone blood draw at Dr. K's this morning. I have pretty terrible veins so I'm used to being poked more than once, but this morning the nurse was able to get it on the first try! Unfortunately, my vein spit the needle right out. I've never seen that happen before--it was so bizarre. Luckily, she was able to get the amount of blood she needed from the second poke.

They are looking for a level above 4 to confirm ovulation took place last week. If they confirm ovulation, they next look to sustaining the pregnancy that could have taken place. A number over 10 means the levels are strong enough to do sustain the possible pregnancy. If the number is over 4 but under 10, they prescribe progesterone to supplement.

I should find out the results in a couple hours and once I do, I will update the blog.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3/11/2015: O Day and IUI #1

I had another scan this morning and they found that I've finally ovulated (O)! The follicle they were keeping an eye on released the egg and there was fluid present around the follicle (another sign of O) so the IUI was scheduled for later in the morning.

My uterine lining was measuring 11.2mm and the tech said it looks great and really healthy. I hope that will help our chances! I don't know if this had anything to do with it (and the tech didn't either), but I've been eating an avocado, 8oz of Pom juice, and 2-3 servings of whole dairy per day since this cycle began. I have also been working hard to get selenium in (finally found Brazil Nuts, btw!) but I haven't been as diligent because I scared myself by reading about how easy it is to overdose on it.

I know the trigger shot is still in my system because I got a big fat positive (BFP) for the third day in a row before I even went in for my scan. I am starting to realize how hard it will be to not test during the two week wait (TWW).

The IUI was far less scary than I had imagined, which is great news. One of the nurses actually did the procedure, which I wasn't expecting but wasn't upset over. After paying for the procedure, I was shown to a room and the nurse explained what will happen since it's my first one. She left the room to get the sperm and I undressed from the waist down and got on the table under a sheet. When she returned we verified the data on the vials. One vial is directly from the cryobank and the other vial is where the thawed sample is. We read each vial to confirm the donor number, my patient number, name, and IUI date. It's crazy how small the vials are from the cryobank considering how much it cost! She also went over the andrology analysis with me. Here are the numbers on our sample:

  • 42.8 million count
  • 59% motility (they were really impressed by this!)
  • .4 ml volume (they said this was a bit lower than expected, but not to be worried)
  • 10.1 million motile sperm (of which we only need 1!!!)

Then she inserted the speculum and swabbed the cervical mucus away, which was the most uncomfortable part. Then she slid a very small catheter through my cervix into the uterus and inserted the specimen. I honestly didn't even feel it, which she said was due to my cervix being open. I'm hoping that is another good sign. After she removed all the instruments, she turned the lights down, put on some music, adjusted the exam table to tilt my pelvis, and instructed me to relax for about 15 minutes. Before and after the procedure I prayed to St. Gerard, the Patron Saint of motherhood. I hope he hears my prayers!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3/10/2015: Waiting for Ovulation

I had another ultrasound today. The follicle is now at 19mm, but I am still not at the point of ovulation. Though the ultrasound wasn't painful, it wasn't the most pleasant experience either. The follicle is on my left ovary at the furthest point possible which makes scanning it very difficult. Oh well!

The tech is pretty sure ovulation (and subsequent IUI) will be tomorrow, which is somewhat stressful due to other obligations at work. I will just have to make it work. All of this headache will be worth it when we have our baby--finally!

Monday, March 9, 2015

3/9/2015: CD14 Ultrasound

I had my mid-cycle ultrasound this morning. My uterine lining is measuring at 10.5mm which is well above the 7mm minimum they were looking for. Though I have had some cramping that I thought could mean an abundance of follicles, I just have one mature follicle measuring at 18mm which is good! As the nurse said, we just need one to make things work. And I was worried about the possibility of having too many follicles and having the cancel the cycle altogether. I brought my Ovidrel along with me to the appointment and I'm so glad I did. The nurse gave me the shot and showed me how to do so in the future. I was really nervous about it, but I think I can handle it for future cycles.

I will go back in for another ultrasound tomorrow morning and if the egg has dropped then the IUI will be at 10am tomorrow! If I have the IUI, I'll be taking a sick day so I can get a prenatal massage and perhaps to a round of acupuncture. I'm willing to do anything to help make this work!

I've decided to test out the trigger which means I'll be taking a pregnancy test every day until it fails to show a positive result. Once that happens, I will not be testing again until I have the beta test done at Dr. K's office. If the IUI is tomorrow I will have a blood test on 3/17 and 3/24. The first test is to check my progesterone levels. The second test is the beta test which will show whether or not I am pregnant.

It's so unbelievable and surreal that we are finally here. It's been a long time coming. I have been praying really hard that the cycle is successful and it's hard to not get my hopes up, but I am making a conscious effort to maintain some semblance of calm.