Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4/29/2015: CD3 scan

The ultrasound showed that all is clear and we are ready to start cycle #3. 

I will start my 5mg of Letrozole tonight. Hopefully the increased dose doesn't make me completely unbearable to be around. Poor J.

Monday, April 27, 2015

4/27/2015: CD1

Well, my period showed up last night around 11pm which means today is CD1. This is our third and final try before we take a short break. We need to save some more money and I just need a reprieve from being poked, probed, and pumped full of meds. 

When I got my call back from Dr. K's office, I made sure to ask about my weak ovulation. The nurse talked to the doc and she has agreed to increase the dosage of my Letrozole from 2.5mg to 5mg per day from CD3-7. 

I really hope it works this time. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

4/25/2015: Beta results


I know we haven't been trying for long, but this process is really hard. I think I already need a break after next month.

On top of me not being pregnant, I also got some bad news regarding the health of my dad. When it rains it pours.

Friday, April 24, 2015

4/24/2015: Home Pregnancy Test

I broke down and took a FRER just now because I've been feeling symptoms. I should know better than to symptom spot. Of course the test is negative.

I'm pretty sure my beta tomorrow will be too. What a bummer.

Friday, April 17, 2015

4/17/2015: Progesterone Bloodwork

Well, I'm back on progesterone supplements. My level was only at 4.4. They like to see a level over 4 to confirm ovulation, but would like the number to be over 10 since I'm doing ovulation induction with drugs.

This time around, I don't have the nice Crinone supplements with the easy applicator. Instead, I'm stuck with the compounded progesterone suppositories that I have to insert on my own. I already can tell that I'm not a fan of the greasy discharge...gross.

Monday, April 13, 2015

4/13/2015: IUI #2

Everything looked good at my scan this morning so we had IUI #2 today. This one was a lot more uncomfortable than last month. It took a lot longer too. For some reason my cervix did not want to show up for the party. That meant two nurses, three speculums, and lots of uncomfortable pinches. I don't know if my bladder was full enough or if, like one of the nurses said, my hormones are just doing something different this month. I'm hoping that if that is the case, it's a good sign.

Here are the numbers for the sperm:
--44 million count
--57% motility
--.5 ml volume
--12.5 million motile sperm

Progesterone test is scheduled for Friday. Beta is scheduled for 4/25. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

4/11/2015: Mid-Cycle Scan

Well, no IUI today. My ultrasound this morning showed only one follicle. I'm bummed that the other one didn't develop, but the one that is still present is at 19.5mm, which is great. My lining is at 10.9mm.

I will be doing the trigger shot my office at work. That should be interesting!

IUI #2 will be next Monday, most likely.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4/8/2015: CD13 Ultrasound

I'm still spotting. It's annoying more than anything. Dr. K's office says not to worry about it unless it becomes full flow like a period.

I had my CD13 ultrasound this morning.  My uterine lining is at 9.7mm, which is great. They are looking for a minimum of 7mm.

But the really good news is that I have TWO follicles!! One is measuring at 11mm and the other at 10mm. They want me to come back Saturday to check on them. Hopefully, they grow nice and big by then so we can trigger and go for IUI #2.

Friday, April 3, 2015

4/3/2015: CD8 Spotting

Ugh, I don't know whether I should worry or if it's from the Letrozole, but I started spotting today. It's really not much but it's hard to not be concerned when there is so much at stake!

Time for another call to Dr. K...