Monday, November 30, 2015

11/30/2015: PT Appointment

I met with the PT doctor today. Unfortunately, I am one of the "lucky" ones experiencing this kind of pain. It's all due to the hormone relaxin, which loosens all the ligaments in the body in preparation for birthing the baby. She prescribed me a support belt, the use of a handicap placard for parking, and gave me a packet of exercises. If they don't seem to help or the pain gets worse, she wants to me to come back in.

I am also on restriction now from stairs, standing, or walking far distances. She specifically instructed me to save my steps each day so I wouldn't be in too much pain.

I guess this is the trade-off for not really having morning sickness? Oh well.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

11/28/2015: Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Deals

We decided to take advantage of some deals this weekend and get a few things off our must-have list. 

We now have our baby monitor and nursery curtains en route for us to install and a nice start to our cloth diaper stash! The local store where we are registered was having some great deals for small business Saturday so we decided to check it out. I'm so glad we did! 

We ended up getting a few newborn cloth diapers, diaper covers, and quite a few all-in-one diapers. Because we spent over a certain amount we also got a free wet-bag, pair of baby leggings, and, the most exciting part, a free Tula baby carrier, which is the exact brand I wanted! Now we just need someone to buy the one J loves and wants to wear.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

11/25/2015: OB Appointment and GD Test

My appointment went pretty well today. The doc was able to find Nugget's heartbeat right away and it was at 140 bpm. J and I joked that the kid is right on the line of boy or girl according to the old wives' tale and it's cracking us up. Nugget is all about Team Green, too, I guess!

Since my pelvis has been hurting (aka feeling like I'm a wishbone being pulled apart), Doc wants to me to bring it up with the PT doctor I'm seeing in a few days. I hope it will bring me some relief.

The results of my GD test will be back in a couple days because of the holiday. I'm hoping I passed, but I'm not feeling super confident. The glucola is pretty hard to choke down and I didn't feel very good afterward.

One potential hiccup: my blood pressure was a little high (just the bottom number) so I had to get a cuff for home and I'll be checking it once a day per doctor's orders. If either number is over 140/90 I have to call the office. I really hope this doesn't become pre-e but it's out of my hands so I'm trying to remain calm. I do wonder if it was high because of anxiety since I was texting J and making sure she wasn't lost (she had to meet me there today).

While I was checking out and making my next appointment (in only 2 weeks!), the receptionist gave me the pre-registration paperwork for delivery. I had to double check with her because I can't believe we are that close already! She also gave me the list of pediatricians and how to interview them.

We are doing Thanksgiving at home with just the two of us tomorrow since plans with family fell through. It will be a nice, relaxing (I hope) day!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

11/12/2015: More Baby Movement

Since I felt Nugget move yesterday morning at work, I spent the evening at home with J trying to get her to feel it too, but Nugget was stubborn and wouldn't cooperate.

Fast forward to this morning: my alarm had gone off, but I was laying in bed trying to will myself awake when I felt Nugget move a little. I let J know and she put her hand on my stomach and after a few seconds Nugget kicked one of his/her hardest kicks yet. J felt the baby move this morning before work! So exciting!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11/11/2015: Baby Movement

I felt baby move for the first time from the outside while at work today! It was so surreal it actually startled me a bit. I hope J can feel him/her soon!

In other news, we reached viability last Saturday which feels like a huge milestone.

Friday, November 6, 2015

11/6/2015: J surprised me!

I got home from work today to J cooking me dinner AND the nursery all painted! 

I was so surprised because I called her today from work to ask when the painters were coming and she said tomorrow. Imagine my surprise when I walked into the nursery to find it all painted and ready for us to decorate! I love her so much!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

11/5/2015: Cloth Diaper Class

Today we had our cloth diaper class. We both feel so much better about using cloth now that we understand a little more of the lingo!

They went over each type of cloth diaper, cloth wipes, how to care for them, and a variety of dos and don'ts. The handout alone was worth the $15 it cost to take the class, in my opinion. In it, they listed the quantities we should expect to have in our stash so Nugget has the appropriate amount of diapers. It was nice to hear the feedback about different brands and get someone's first-hand experience too.

We can't wait to start building up our stash now!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11/4/2015: Nursery Shopping & Baby-wearing Class

Today was a busy day! We both took some time off of work to recuperate from my sister's wedding weekend and to prep for baby. On the agenda today: IKEA and baby-wearing class.

We were able to get some cute puppy sippy cups for Nugget as well as the rug for his/her room and some cute puppy dog tail hooks. Can you tell we love dogs? Though we planned to get a lot more (crib, dresser, etc) we decided to wait a bit until the room was painted since our house is not big enough to store an extra room of furniture. It was good to look at everything, though. We even decided to change a few different items after seeing them in person.

Later on, we had baby-wearing class. I am so glad we went. It was so nice to hear about the different types of carriers and the brief history of baby-wearing, but we also got the opportunity to try on different ones! J and I like a similar style of carrier, but we each have our own brand preference. I really liked the Tula and she really liked the Chimparoo Trek so we will be registering for one of each. We are both excited to wear Nugget!