Friday, September 4, 2015

9/4: PCP Appointment

I had to bit the bullet and visit the primary care doc today. My left knee has been really hurting and it's gotten to the point where I can hardly walk on it. I haven't injured it recently so I'm not sure what's going on, but it is the knee I tend to have issues with. My blood pressure was really high today, which is unusual for me. The nurse said it's probably due to my pain level.

Unfortunately, the doctor I saw today (not my usual PCP) wasn't super helpful. He said there isn't anything they can do (x-rays, meds) except for physical therapy since I'm pregnant. However, he didn't seem to mind blaming it on my weight.

I really wish doctors would try to exercise more critical thinking instead of just blaming everything on my weight...oh well. I hope this pain goes away soon.

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