Thursday, February 26, 2015

2/26/2015: CD3 Ultrasound

This morning I had my CD3 ultrasound at Dr. K's. The ultrasound allows them to see the activity level of my ovaries. The woman performing the ultrasound let me know that they hope to see "quiet" ovaries at this point in the cycle. Luckily, my ovaries are behaving just as expected. This means I can began taking the Letrozole today and will continue to do so through CD7 (Monday, 3/2).

I will return for a CD14 ultrasound on March 9th. At that ultrasound they will be looking for mature follicles which are 18-20 mm in size. The thinking is that each mature follicle has the potential to drop one egg. Once we have mature follicle(s), I will be instructed to give myself the trigger shot. After I have the trigger shot, I will return for ultrasounds every day so that the ovulation can coincide with the insemination. If there are not mature follicles on CD14, I will return for ultrasounds every couple of days so they can look for them to develop.

I asked for an estimate on when I expect to take the trigger shot of Ovidrel, but she said it really depends on each person's body. Since my periods are not very regular, it's even harder for her to guess. She also said that sometimes people need more Letrozole or another course of treatment all together.

Before I left today's appointment the ultrasound technician gave me a form for J and I to sign. It's to let Dr. K know what our decision is going to be regarding multiples. Some people cancel the cycle completely if it looks like there are more than a predetermined number of follicles. Other people go for it and choose to selectively reduce once it's determined to be a successful cycle. Other people continue the cycle only if the number of follicles is under a predetermined number.

Once I got into the car, I called her to give her the update and we both agree we will continue with the cycle no matter what and selectively reduce, if necessary. We both feel that my health has precedence over any potential child so it wouldn't be worth taking on the enormous risks of a multiple pregnancy of that magnitude.

I tried to run to one of the pharmacies Dr. K recommends (because they keep the fertility medications in stock, unlike others) but they didn't open for another 40 minutes and I had to get to work. I will be leaving early so I can drop off the prescriptions for Letrozole and Ovidrel (and hopefully wait for them to be filled) before I head to my biweekly therapy session.

Fingers crossed for my body to have a great response to Letrozole and mature follicles on CD14!!

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