Wednesday, June 11, 2014

6/11/2014: We chose a donor!

J and I decided on a donor tonight! We found a sperm bank in our area that has a number of donors that share the characteristics we are most looking for and is a bit more affordable than others we've found to boot! We've been waiting for awhile for finally sit down and read over the profiles together. It was nice to finally get that accomplished after having a nice dinner together. I guess some might consider that a strange date night, though.

Since I'll be carrying, we decided to choose donors who share some of J's qualities. Mainly, we are looking at ethnicity/heritage, height, education level/profession, and family health history. Out of nearly 20 donor profiles, we chose our top five candidates.

Donor #1:
Shares J's ethnicity, is over 6' tall, does not smoke, has brothers and sisters, is currently in med school, and has living grandparents in their 80s and 90s. This donor only has ICI specimens available, which we are hoping we can have the fertility clinic wash in order to make them IUI specimens.

Shares J's ethnicity, is almost 6' tall, doesn't smoke, has brothers and sisters, works in banking management, and has living grandparents in their late 70s. His paternal grandparents were smokers who died in their 60s from cancer. These specimens would also require washing in order to make them IUI units.

Donor #3:
Shares 7/8 of J's ethnicity with a dash of another that she doesn't share, is nearly 6' tall, does not smoke or drink, only has brothers, works in real estate as well as attends college, and has living grandparents in their 80s and 90s save for one grandfather who passed away due to exposure to the elements from being lost in the mountains. This donor has IUI specimens available.

Donor #4:
Shares many of J's and my own ethnicity, is 6' tall, does not smoke or drink, only has sisters, studies full-time, and has living grandparents in their late 70s and 80s. IUI specimens are available for this donor.

Donor #5:
Shares J's ethnicity as well as some others that do not run in either of our families, is nearly 6' tall, does not smoke, is a medical resident with a 4.0 GPA, and has two living grandparents in their around 80 years old and two deceased grandparents who lived until their 80s. This donor has IUI specimens available.

It's crazy to think we could be staring at a sheet of paper that represents the other half of our children's genetic makeup! The next steps are to see Dr. P for my annual exam and hopefully get into a reproductive endocrinologist as soon as possible.

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