Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11/2014: Consult with Alexa

My consult with Alexa was this morning. I thought we were going to talk about the Healthy Start program that Dr. K's office offers but it didn't seem like there was much of a program to explain.

We began by just talking about my eating and exercise habits. J and I have been working on eating better and moving more because we are serious about losing weight before starting with fertility treatments this winter. Alexa was pleased to hear that I've lost 9 lbs since my first visit with Dr. K. My goal was to lose 60-70 lbs total before we start trying and it's an aggressive but doable goal. I only have 50-60 more to go!

She suggested I get a book that explains a diet related to insulin resistance since most people who struggle with weight are resistant to some degree. Studies show that low carb/high protein diets can aid fertility for some people so that's what they want me (us) to focus on. I was asked some questions about how we prep for meals, which hasn't been an issue as of late. She suggested we increase our movement in small ways like exercising with free weights while watching TV or going for short walks throughout the day. I am an all or nothing kind of person: unless I go full force into a workout I feel like it's not worth it, but breaking it up would help with the monotony of work and the feeling of never having enough time.

I have a lap-band that was originally placed in March 2010. I lost about 150 lbs with that effort until the band slipped out of place and caused me some other health issues. The doctor was able to fix it, but I am leery of messing with it too much. I mention this because the way I had to eat to be so successful with that effort was low carb/high protein. I've been slowly getting back to that and it feels good, but it is definitely a daily struggle to avoid temptation.

They also drew my blood in the office to recheck my vitamin D levels, but I'm not sure it will have improved much thanks to my forgetting to take my supplements...Oh well!

All in all, it was an okay appointment. I'm still not entirely sold that it was worth my time, but at least it was short. She would like to see me in a month just to touch base. She says it helps others accountability-wise so we will see.

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