Thursday, August 7, 2014

8/7/2014: HSG test

I had the HSG done this morning and it was relatively easy.

After running around town like a crazy person after 11pm the night before when I realized we had no Ibuprofen in the house, I was a bit scatter-brained and very exhausted. I was also nervous because I had done far too much reading on the internet about the procedure. Everything I read made it seem like it would be terribly uncomfortable, but it was just mildly uncomfortable. Ha.

I arrived at the hospital, checked in, and only waited a few minutes before being taken back to the X-Ray dressing/changing room. Dr. K's staff had previously mentioned she performs the procedure on several women all in the same morning so I wasn't surprised to be sharing the room with four others when all was said and done.

Once in the dressing/waiting room, I had to remove everything from the waist down and wear two very fashionably hospital gowns so as to avoid from showing everyone my bits. After a few minutes, I was called back to the X-Ray room where they took a shot of my abdomen, I'm assuming for placement purposes? I'm not really sure.

I returned to the dressing/waiting room for a bit, perused an outdated edition of HGTV magazine, and then was called back for the real thing. Dr. K introduced me to her resident, explained the procedure to me one more time, and then we began. The most difficult part was spreading my legs far apart without stirrups, honestly. She inserted the speculum, cleaned my cervix with antiseptic, inserted the catheter into my uterus, and injected the iodine. We had to wait a minute or two for the radiologist, but it really wasn't long nor was it a problem despite Dr. K's apologies. They took two or three shots of everything lit up with the iodine before Dr. K removed everything and began explaining the results, which were good.

Though my uterus tilts back a bit (not enough to be a concern), my fallopian tubes are clear and there was good flow of the iodine! I know we can't really start trying until January at the earliest, but every bit of good news helps me to remain positive and get more excited to start trying officially!

The next appointment is to go over the results of all the testing and discuss next steps. Yay!

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