Wednesday, November 25, 2015

11/25/2015: OB Appointment and GD Test

My appointment went pretty well today. The doc was able to find Nugget's heartbeat right away and it was at 140 bpm. J and I joked that the kid is right on the line of boy or girl according to the old wives' tale and it's cracking us up. Nugget is all about Team Green, too, I guess!

Since my pelvis has been hurting (aka feeling like I'm a wishbone being pulled apart), Doc wants to me to bring it up with the PT doctor I'm seeing in a few days. I hope it will bring me some relief.

The results of my GD test will be back in a couple days because of the holiday. I'm hoping I passed, but I'm not feeling super confident. The glucola is pretty hard to choke down and I didn't feel very good afterward.

One potential hiccup: my blood pressure was a little high (just the bottom number) so I had to get a cuff for home and I'll be checking it once a day per doctor's orders. If either number is over 140/90 I have to call the office. I really hope this doesn't become pre-e but it's out of my hands so I'm trying to remain calm. I do wonder if it was high because of anxiety since I was texting J and making sure she wasn't lost (she had to meet me there today).

While I was checking out and making my next appointment (in only 2 weeks!), the receptionist gave me the pre-registration paperwork for delivery. I had to double check with her because I can't believe we are that close already! She also gave me the list of pediatricians and how to interview them.

We are doing Thanksgiving at home with just the two of us tomorrow since plans with family fell through. It will be a nice, relaxing (I hope) day!

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